Directions for Use

Directions for Use


Why use a fireman's hose to clean your home when a feather duster will do?
Our products are specific and powerful and less is definitely more.


Always make it possible for your pet and people to remove themselves from the area of use.


Begin by removing the clear lid and leaving the bottle in the vicinity of your pet, gauging their interest.
When interest is positive or neutral, spray one or two pumps of your spritz on your person/clothes.

Made with the best quality Essential Oils, our products are perfectly safe, suitable and actually helpful for humans too. 
Yes! Genki Pet works on you too.

Gradually increase proximity of use toward pet's specific areas i.e. bedding, favourite spot, travel carrier, lead/harness, coat/jacket. Once you have the green light from your pet and people - enjoy spritzing the room, car, yourself more liberally.


Making direct application to your pet the last resort means you always have something up your sleeve for particularly trying moments.
Always maintain a positive association with the scent, sound and action of your spritz.
For example, consider sometimes spraying your spritz on your hands first and massaging into the fur of your pet to deepen everyone's calm and relaxation.

Minimal direct application onto your pet's fur is safe but we think you'll find it unnecessary.
Instead thinking: How can I use as little as possible and get a great result here?


Avoid direct contact with your pet’s face (eyes, nose) and other sensitive areas. Always close your eyes when spritzing yourself.

Avoid direct contact with food and water. For external use only.
Don’t worry if this accidentally occurs, you have chosen a totally natural product here and it is blended to a safe concentration for dogs and cats.
Simply observe your pet after consumption confirming they are ok. Probably not the worst thing they’ve ever eaten?!

Avoid use with baby pets (under 10 weeks of age).



Our pets have a far greater sense of smell than we do.
So less is more and always think: Little & Lightly!

Dosage for cats and dogs

2-4kg 1-2 pumps
5-7kg 2-3 pumps
7-15kg 3-4 pumps
15kg+ 4-5 pumps


Our blends are safe for daily use and make a great addition to those extra long pats and relaxing massages!

If spritzing generally, into the atmosphere or onto bedding, do not exceed 8 pumps per day.

If spritzing specifically onto pet, do not exceed 6 pumps per day.

This means your 125ml Genki Pet spritz will last you about 3 months (and your 10ml sample, about 1 week) if using it daily and to the maximum prescribed dosage, which we guarantee you will not need to do.

Because our blends have an accumulative effect and you will be using them in conjunction with behaviour training and the amazing power of association, you will begin to use less and less over time.

Because our blends are made with the highest quality, pure Essential Oils and are totally natural, that means you have a highly effective and quality product in your hands and it deserves respect.

Utilising The Power of Association

Before use, note your pet's behaviour. After use, note the changes.

Simply notice what you notice at first, then look for the changes you want to see.

Gradually introduce, by removing clear lid, leaving bottle in vicinity of your pet, gauging their interest.

When interest is positive or neutral:

  • Start general: Spritz your clothes, the room and car.
  • Then more specific: Spritz pet’s bed, harness and carrier.
  • When you must: Spritz small amount directly on fur - rump/throat is good.

If interest is to avoid, try again tomorrow and in different circumstances.

Our products work two-fold:

By spritzing them about AND by utilising the *Power of Association.

*By using your spritz when your pet is calm, they will then associate the scent of the spritz with feeling calm, making it work even better when you need it to.

This can take time to build up so practice (2 weeks) before road testing in situ.

Your pet may be sensitive to the spritz sound, so enjoy being clever with its use.

This is Aromatherapy, so your pet and you will experience mental, emotional and physical change.


We know you love your job working with pets, but why do it the hard way? Lord knows we could all do with less stress in our lives and we know some days our little furry friends are not at their best and present you with some challenges.

Make life easier on you and the dogs and cats you care for, walk, train, pet sit or groom! By utilising the gentle effectiveness of our 100% natural, professionally blended, behaviour changing Aromatherapy blends, you’ll be having a great day at work - naturally!

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