Rachel Carroll ~ Founder & Qualified Aromatherapist, Kinesiologist
Natural Therapies for pets.
By utilising the healing power of Natural Therapies for pets, Genki Pet helps dogs, cats and their people in feeling healthier, happier and calmer together. Our spritzes work and they smell amazing!
But their incredible scent is a pure bonus.
You see, the goal and purpose of our blends is actually positive mental, emotional and behavioural change for pets and their people; creating a sense of calm for the whole family.
Genki Pet is offering you the opportunity to eliminate stress and anxiety in your life with small batch, totally natural, professionally hand blended, behaviour changing, Aromatherapy spritzes for pets and their people.
And we are proudly Australian owned & made.

That’s right! Our products work on you too.
Our holistic and inclusive approach is what makes Genki Pet so unique and effective. You see, our blends are made with the highest quality, human grade Essential Oils. That means you can spritz yourself and your two-legged family with confidence and peace of mind, knowing you will all benefit from the healing powers of Aromatherapy through the use of pure and unadulterated Essential Oils. We only use the very best in our blends.
So if you are committed to quality and purity, then you will LOVE Genki Pet!
And the fact your Genki Pet blends are for your health and relaxation too, means your family benefits from a truly holistic outcome; the vibe of your entire home will be calmly changing for the better. Isn’t that great?!

Our story so far...
Genki, pronounced with a hard 'G' as in Great! - means 'healthy' in Japanese. Founder and Director, Rachel Carroll, is a qualified Aromatherapist utilising Kinesiology for Genki Pet's professional blend formulation. She also lived in Japan for two years, enhancing her appreciation of nature and all things Zen. Japan is also where Rachel met the friend whose pet troubles inspired the creation of her first Genki Pet blend in 2015.
Rachel’s dear friend Carla had just re-homed another stray cat to her feline family of two and things were not going so well in that cosy, one bedroom apartment in Sydney. Apart from the stress of all the hissing and bullying going on between the cats, Carla had become very frustrated and stressed about the only natural cat calming and socialisation products on the market being American.
You see, buying natural cat calming products from The US was costing Carla a small fortune, between the exchange rates and the freight. Not to mention how long the products took to get here! Why should it be so stressful to get your hands on reasonably priced, Australian, high quality natural therapies for pets? And it certainly shouldn’t be so stressful being a keen animal welfare advocate and doing cat rescue and cat fostering either.
Rachel offered to help calm this kitty collective and their cash conscious commander and our blend for confident socialisation; relieving anxiety and reactivity, Friendship & Acceptance was born. Folks are always very interested when hearing Genki Pet was born out of a need for an Aromatherapy formulation for cats, when many people wrongly assume cats cannot enjoy the benefits of Aromatherapy because their livers do not process phenols. We here at Genki Pet know this. So it’s easy! For our dog and cat-friendly blends, we just choose Essential Oils that are phenol free. Our cats LOVE us for our amazing, healthy and calming blends AND for our knowledge and expertise with cat health!
So there was finally peace in Carla’s three cat abode and it smelled amazing AND Australian, costing her less than the American stuff and landing on her doorstep five days after Rachel made it. AND it worked! Yes it worked!
"I wonder what other pet family problems I can solve with amazing smelling and totally natural Aromatherapy?” Rachel pondered.

We Value:
Fast forward to now...
Add one move from Brisbane to Melbourne.
Add two more blends on the market:
Stillness & Calm ~ For deep relaxation; Relieving anxiety and hyperactivity
Moving & Grooving ~ For calm travel; Relieving nausea and anxiety.
And three more blends in the pipeline, including a much requested and magic solution for storms and fireworks!
Add Genki Pet being used as a behaviour changing tool in doggy daycare facilities like Hairy Hounds Playground, Diggidy Doggy Daycare, award winning groomers Murphy’s Paw, top end dog-friendly wine and truffle tours Gourmet Pawprints and the lovely Mia Freedman declaring on Instagram that “my dog needs this Aromatherapy for dogs!” and here we are.
Add to that, over five hundred blends sold or donated to charities and so many healthier, happier campers brightening the pages of our testimonials. Add the great relationships we've forged with other wrm hearted and ethical pet industry professionals who LOVE our products and appreciate natural therapies. Add lots of smiles and lots of grateful owners and pets who are now feeling less stressed and are better able to enjoy this amazing life, together!
Genki Pet is a cutting edge concept: truly holistic in its application for pets AND their people. You see, from Rachel’s decades of experience in Natural Therapies, we know that addressing the behavioural issues of our dog or cat is only one part of the solution. When we are honest with ourselves, we recognise our pets feed off our energy and emotional state too and so unless we are feeling calm, relaxed, grounded, confident – they will struggle to do so.
This means other pet products, like synthetic hormone Adaptil and Feliway are only addressing half of the problem – the pet part. Which is half of the problem addressed, true – but we also know just how stressed we feel when our dog or cat’s behaviour is effecting our sleep, socialising, exercise and quality of life. We know as pet owners we are more patient, more confident, more kind, more happy when we are feeling relaxed and calm. So we have made our blends to help you too.
And we know you. We know you LOVE Natural Therapies, Massage, Yoga, Pilates, organic food, chemical free cosmetics and personal hygiene products, shopping at farmer’s markets, making your own cleaning products with your DoTerra and Young Living Essential Oils and making your home smell lovely with your personalised blends in your diffuser. We know you. We are you. And just like you, there is absolutely no way we want synthetic hormones, fake fragrances and hormone mimicking toxic chemicals in our home.
And although making you and your home smell fresh and fabulous is not their main purpose, the amazing scent of our healthy, healing pet products will bring a truly unique and stylish scent-ual quality to your home. Home styling and interior design is taken to a new level with Genki Pet and the balanced and sophisticated tones of our all natural, high quality blends. Because as you know, most of those stick diffusers, wall mounted scent dispensers, plugin diffusers, air fresheners and heaven help us, aerosol deodorisers and fragrances are ALL fake, synthetic chemicals. And who wants that in their home? Not us! And not you!
Flex your savvy stylist muscles and create an on trend home styling and interior design miracle with Genki Pet. You could blitz the cover of your favourite lifestyle magazines Mindfood, Vogue, Men’s Health, Breathe Magazine Australia, Wellbeing Magazine… with your healthy home! Change the vibe in your pet friendly home naturally and invite nature and good health inside. This is one lifestyle choice you will be so happy to have made. Your fur babies and friends will LOVE it!
Genki Pet is a totally natural and holistic solution to problems that do truly effect the whole family. And that’s the difference. Oh and the fact Genki Pet is totally natural – no synthetic chemicals here!
We are totally transparent about our ingredients. Unlike many pet products on the market who say they are “natural” – we actually mean it, stand by it and believe in it. Just check out our labels and the product pages in our shop for a complete list of our totally natural ingredients.
Nature is perfect.
Why mess with perfection?
How do we know Genki Pet is a cutting edge concept?
Well because no other pet products are hand blended by an Allied Health Professional of 20+ years experience. This extensive background in Natural Therapies, human behaviour and the philosophy of change, informs Rachel’s professionally hand blended Aromatherapy recipes and Genki Pet’s holistic application to the stress related issues of the whole family; pets and people.
Because of her expertise and experience with behaviour and change, Rachel knows that both problems and their solutions are often “a little of column A and a little of column B” and if we effect change in one area, say at doggy daycare but the dog then goes home to an anxious owner, we have only addressed part of the problem. So she has carefully formulated behaviour changing Aromatherapy blends for pets that are people-friendly too! Using Genki Pet changes the vibe for everybody and in that calmer, quieter state, we all function better and make better decisions right?
And this is the point!
To reduce the level of stress in the world right now and help everybody lead healthier, happier lives ~ naturally.

Want to boost your pet's health naturally?
Our eBook tells you how.
Sometimes our clients get the results they were aiming for, sometimes they get unexpected and equally delightful results. They always get positive results!
Because our products work.
And so we offer you our guarantee, so confident we are in our products!
Yes, the toxic, synthetic and often harmful products we avoid can sometimes work faster than a completely natural product. But our product is not a quick fix, it is an effective and 100% natural alternative and the opportunity of long term behavioural change. Of course, your best results will be achieved in conjunction with giving your pet time, mental enrichment and loving behavioural training.
By following our directions for use and exercising a little patience, you will notice a healthier, happier and calmer pet. If you don't, you may keep your amazingly scented blend AND we'll also give you your money back.
That’s right.
We want you to be completely happy with your Genki Pet Aromatherapy spritz.
So much so that if you are not completely happy with your blend and the results you are getting, then we’ll give you your money back.
All we ask of you is to truly give our amazing blends a red hot go. And if that does not bring you happiness, then get in touch.
We’ll make you happy.