As a leader in the emerging Natural Pet Healthcare Industry, I was recently asked to write an article about Aromatherapy for pets for Hooman Magazine. It is a fun publication the team at Personalised Pet Collars produce for their community. While doing my research on Personalised Pet Collars, I found an interesting blog on their website about how Hemp can help your Pet.
And you know how much we LOVE all Natural Pet Healthcare here at Genki Pet!
So here it is.
We hope you enjoy learning about another gift from nature for your pet and you!
How Hemp can help your pet
Recently I bumped into Andy Hannigan, a longtime friend of mine.
Andy and his wife Paula are the founders of Bounce, those healthy snack balls you see everywhere in grocery stores and service stations.
One thing I love about these guys is they’ve always been into alternative healthy lifestyle options, so it was no surprise when I asked Andy what he’s up to these days and he told me he’s now CEO of Hemp Fields Australia.
My perception of Hemp and Cannabis is stoners smoking joints to get high!
But the products developed for medicinal use couldn’t be further from that.
These Hemp products have super low or zero levels of THC; the psychoactive element of cannabis that gives the high. It is these all natural products that are being used to improve people’s health all over the globe.
When I told Andy about Pet Collars, he was quick to tell me they had a pet brand called Hemp Pet, so I organised a meet up with him to learn all about how Hemp benefits our pets’ health.
The backstory on Hemp is that it’s one of the oldest and most versatile plants that exist on our great earth.
It has traditionally been used in foods and for textiles but more recently the focus has been on its medicinal properties for both humans and our furry friends.
Most people think that Hemp is Marijuana.
They look the same, grow the same and smell the same BUT are not the same.
Hemp is grown for its seed, its fibre and its oil. One of the products from Hemp labelled an Ancient Superfood, is Hemp Seed Oil. The reason it benefits our health so much is because it contains the perfect ratio of Omega-3 (Alpha-Linolenic Acid) to Omega-6 (Linoleic Acid) fatty acids; ratio 3:1. These essential fatty acids are ones your pet cannot produce by themselves, so they need to get them from their diet.
The Omega-6 fatty acid I mentioned, Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) is a building block for Prostaglandins which control muscle contractions in our dogs’ bodies. So that means products high in GLA are good for our doggies’ seizures, inflammation, regulating temperature, reducing anxiety and other vital functions.
Super cool hey?
Most dogs have the right amount of GLA naturally, but there are times, like after hard exercise and stress, they need more to maintain optimal health. This is when supplementing with Hemp Oil becomes important. Add to that, GLA also reduces inflammation, strengthens the Immune System, reduces joint pain and arthritis!
Hemp Oil can improve your pet’s coat, as the oil easily penetrates the skin and improves cellular growth. The balanced acids also help reduce inflammation caused by skin allergies, helping your pet and you relax, and enjoy calm together.
But before you start adding Hemp Seed Oil to your dog’s meals, there’s a couple of things you should know:
- Hemp Seed Oil is a polyunsaturated fat, which means the oil is unstable.
So if you cook your dog’s food, you don’t want to add Hemp Seed Oil to the food while it’s cooking. This can cause the oil to become rancid and cause health issues in your dog. - If your dog is eating a poultry-based diet, adding Hemp Seed Oil may cause an imbalance in their diet. Chicken is already quite high in polyunsaturated fats and Linoleic Acid, so maybe use Flaxseed Oil instead?
- If your dog is eating a diet rich in beef and other ruminants, then Hemp Seed Oil is a great way to balance the diet and boost their health. It is recommended for every 500g of meat, you add a teaspoon of Hemp Oil, or between 1ml-5ml depending on pet weight.
But it always pays to check with your Vet if you are not sure.
Hemp Seed Oil doesn’t just need to be used in times of sickness or distress.
It should be implemented into your feeding routine.
You can also buy non-food products made with hemp like bedding, which is all natural and sturdy – so definitely look into that too.
~Guest article by Adam McDonald of Pet Collars.
Rachel and The Genki Pet Team
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