It really is a great product.
Thank you for gifting this to me as it has certainly made a difference!
Since using the Friendship & Acceptance spritz our beautiful cat Bear has started to interact with us and our other 2 cats again, which is a miracle!
For years she has been a loner cat and hid from people. Now she comes out from her hiding spot under the kitchen cabinet. I found her lazing on the kitchen floor the other day which was lovely to see. She wasn’t bothered when the other cats came near her either. Generally a spat breaks out and Bear runs and hides.
Nothing else in our home has changed, so I know that it’s the spray working. The smell is divine and also helps mask some of the odours that a household with 3 cats can have. I highly recommend this product and thank you to Genki Pet for making my household a calmer and tranquil home. I can’t explain how much I have missed cuddles with Bear and now thanks to this I have her back in my arms
Also, we had to take Bear to the Vet on the weekend, as she had an ingrown nail which was bleeding, so I sprayed her carrier with the spritz and Ross said she was really calm at the Vets!
~ Serrin, Melbourne.